Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Rachel!

Happy Birthday!
I hope your day is enjoyable and you get all of your wishes when you blow out the candles!

We love you!

Monday, July 6, 2009

3G(s)o excited!!

I ordered it on Thursday night. YAY! Everybody's out of them in Seattle, so I have to wait a few days. Not the instant gratification I was looking for, but this will give me time for app shopping.

PS. I know I said I was going to wait, but this purchasing decision may or may not have come immediately after a tequila tasting.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The View's Great, but did you see the dishwasher?

Josh & Rachel in their new apartment WITH a dishwasher.

The song from "The Jeffersons" was stuck in my head. "Moving on up to the DEluxe apartment in the sky..."