Wednesday, August 27, 2008

ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver; Researching Ties Between Dems & Big Donors

Freedom of the press apparently didn't make it onto the Democratic Party Platform this year.


Briar Rose said...

John - you don't get it. This reporter was seriously harrassing the poor donors to the Dem. Party. They might require considerable counseling to recover from such a serious afront.
Freedom of the Press isn't applicable here. It only applies to Republican events. Don't you know that? You are not enlightened.

John said...

I'm definitely not enlightened when you can be arrested for tresspassing on a public sidewalk downtown.

Briar Rose said...

You must be from the midwest.

Cap'n said...

We are REQUIRED to suffer through 4 years of Barry O to repent for our transgressions. I wonder about our press these days...actually, I don't.