Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You know what they say about sausage and governments being made...

We just started watching the HBO series, "John Adams." It is really, really good. I wish history class had been this interesting. We've only seen the first two parts, but already, I highly recommend it!

Even Sam Adams is in it, so there's something for everyone.


Briar Rose said...

oh! I'll have to add this to our viewing list. Something tells me that Cap'n will like this series!

Melissa said...

Totally. It's really great because it's like hardcore history for people who aren't hardcore history buffs. There's a setting on the DVD to have little blurbs pop up and tell you facts. Watch it with that on... it's fascinating.

Pope Josh I said...

This series is awesome! Watched it a few months back on On-Demand. Poor Rachel ...

John said...

It's all Republican propaganda. The writers would have you believe that partisan politics did NOT start with the Bush administration. How gullible do they think we are? Everyone knows that the Continental Congress was essentially an 18th-century tights-whigs-and-buckled-shoes love-in.

Cap'n said...

Sounds like my kind of series. I knew this was coming out on DVD soon.

Briar Rose said...

I just got the notice that this series is on its way from Netflix. I predict a movie marathon in my future!

Briar Rose said...

We finished it! Very good perspective. Tom Hanks is very talented indeed.