Monday, March 30, 2009


1. Supporting his MU Tigers while being held by uncle Josh (a few weeks ago).

2. Just smiling away...he does that a lot now. He's so alert.

3. Heading to the office...Brittney brought him up to Luke's work for the first time wearing this outfit...yes, they're khakis. I love this picture!!!

He couldn't be sweeter or cuter! He's healthy and growing at rapid speeds (15 pounds now and he's about 9 weeks old). Luke and Brittney are having a great time with him and they are just the best parents.


rachel said...

Also, if you haven't already...

Will's Blog...

Shutterfly pics...

John said...

I love the Blackberry, but he should upgrade to an iPhone ;)

Briar Rose said...

What a cutie-bug! I am following Will's blog so I can see what he's up to! He is really growing!

Josh said...

He really should get an iPhone.