What do you call a man who recites poetry and Hemingway? Who not only recognizes humanity's flaws, but possesses the compassion to refrain from condemning it? Who was tortured and imprisoned for five years, consciously choosing not to go home ahead of his fellow soldiers despite the opportunity to do so? Who, despite more than 25 years as a member of the House and Senate, is still so down-to-earth as to be described as a "scamp and cut-up" and who loses his temper when an injustice is committed? Who takes responsibility for his faults, most notably blaming the failure of his first marriage -- not on the five-year separation from his wife, nor the emotional scars from his time as a prisoner of war -- but on his own "selfishness and immaturity"? And finally, what do you call a man who has repeatedly risked his political career to pursue -- often with success -- even unpopular issues when he believes them to be right?
We currently call him Senator John McCain. My hope is that we will soon know him as President. Though laudable, I say this least because of his character, and most because of his stand on the issues -- free trade, liberal immigration reform, a tough and realistic approach to foreign policy, including a strong defense, opposition to tax increases, etc. The in-depth Newsweek article that reveals what made John McCain and who he is today, is not to be missed.
The photo with the uniform is "hot"!
I'll vote for that guy in the flight suit everyday and twice on Sunday... wow.
Captain/Senator John S. Mc Cain shows courage, conviction and committment. Whether you agree with his politics, one cannot question any person who survived his ordeal. It shows character. Since his father was the air wing admiral of the Pacific Fleet at the time of the capture of his son; then Lt. CDR Mc Cain was offerered an early prisoner exchange due to his "high profile" status. He refused. Other prisoners has been held longer and he waited his "turn". While a POW in the Hanoi Hilton, his father; Admiral Mc Cain ordered air strikes in the area where his son was being held. Captain Mc Cain continued to endure torture having his arms broken since he was not cooperative.
Politics aside....John S. Mc Cain has endured for his country what most people only read about in history books. In my opinion, for that, if not other reason...the man has earned the floor to be heard.
Plus he was hot ;)
Melissa YOU ARE A MESS!!
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