Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is Ridiculous

Typically, I'm very much on the side of corporations. However, this is ridiculous.

CHICAGO (AP) — The tallest building in America is getting a new name.
Chicago's Sears Tower will be renamed Willis Tower after London-based Willis Group Holdings. The insurance broker announced the name change and other details of its agreement with the building's owners Thursday.
Willis is moving five local offices and nearly 500 employees into the 110-story building. The move is expected to be completed by late summer.
Willis will occupy more than 140,000 square feet at $14.50 a square foot. The company says it's not paying anything extra for the naming rights.The 1,451-foot skyscraper is owned by a real estate investment group formed in 2004 to buy the tower

While we're at it, I plan to call my congressman and see if we can change a few more things for a quick buck. What do you think of:

The Empire Cheese State Building in New York?

The Golden Arch in St. Louis?

The Virgin Galatic Space Needle in Seattle?

The FedEx Beale Street in Memphis?

Just brainstorming here ...


Briar Rose said...

I agree -- totally ridiculous.
Maybe the name change will confuse the terrorist.

John said...

Can we please call it the, "Watch-you-talkin-bout Willis Tower"? Because, admit it, that's so awesome! If that was the name, I'd go up in it every time. Plus, the t-shirt possibilities are endless.