Friday, August 29, 2008

Why do all of the Pope's photographs "X" out?

...or is it just me?


John said...

Do you mean via email? They come through on my computer. I use gmail, for what it's worth.

Briar Rose said...

No, I get the e-mail updates with the photos as they are posted without a problem.
The problem is, when I log into the blog and scroll through all of the photos, the Pope's photos are absent with that little red "x" where the photo used to be. All the other photos are there, including the one Rachel posted with Hen sitting on the computer.

John said...

Oh yeah. I see what you're saying. Same thing here. Is it possible we see them via another server that quits "hosting" them after a week or so? Other than that shot in the dark, no idea.

Melissa said...

It's me too. Must be something weird with his account.