Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Best Book In The World!

There are lots of good books out there. Tons even. But I'm currently reading the best book in the world. Or, at least the best book since A Tale of Two Cities. (Naah! It's way better than that. Beheadings are cliché.)

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is unexpected, hilarious, tragic, revealing, self-deprecating, and critical -- self critical, white critical, Indian critical, small-town critical, critical condition, critical thinking, critireticular, criti-rikki-tikki-tavi, (etc.). It's as if Holden Caufield, minus the serial killer tendencies, stepped into a John Hughes' film set on a reservation.

And despite its literary bent and the fact that it won like every award in the world, its not plodding, pompous, pretentious, pedantic, preachy, or poopy. It reads like a rocket.


Briar Rose said...

I just added this onto my library list. You've never steered me wrong yet.

Briar Rose said...

I finished it recently. Interesting writing style. Lots of 'real' stuff between the lines.

Briar Rose said...
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