Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thursday morning commute....

Take a storm system from Gustav and a little bad luck (or stupidity) and you get a commuting nightmare. This morning it took us 55 minutes to travel between the McDonalds and Bowles to the I-270 / I-44 interchange. Fun stuff! Jerk drivers were jumping the medians to get in front of someone else, which literally did not help them in any way since nobody was going anywhere anyhow. Apparently there was a stalled car in the left lane that contributed to this colassal mess. With Highway 40 construction, I-44 has been restriped for 5 lanes - and, oh yeah -- no shoulder. No place for the poor schmuck to pull his car off the main road, AND no place for emergency vehicles to travel. Great planning. If you have a crayon -- color my mood.


Melissa said...

heh heh heh heh heh heh hmmm... I'm not laughing... :)

rachel said...

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